These resources can support you on your journey to develop, communicate, implement and follow up on your own science-based targets.
You can find our Frequently Asked Questions here.

Supply Chain Engagement: How to deploy your potential as a climate frontrunner
Imagine this: carbon emissions from supply chains are on average 11.4 times higher than what organisations emit on-site. Talking about a great opportunity for decarbonization.
This article explores how companies engage their supply chains in an effort to decarbonize the entirity of their operations and - in doing so - increase their impact as catalysts within the climate transition.

BACA Key Messages
How to pitch the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action to your internal and external stakeholders

Climate toolkit for SMEs
This section aims to provide the most important tools and resources that should enable SMEs to get started with and scale up their climate efforts.

The ABC of Science Based Targets
An increasing number of businesses are setting science-based targets to reduce their carbon emissions. Get insight into what SBTs are, why they're relevant to companies with sincere climate ambitions and how you can participate.

An introduction to sustainability & climate terminology, initiatives and abbreviations
A list of the most important sustainability and climate terminology as these initiatives and their abbreviations can be quite overwhelming.
Network with other members on LinkedIn
Connect with other members of the Alliance and take part in the discussion on our LinkedIn page.