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Value Impact of Climate Action
What’s the link between climate action and organisational value? There are so many! Think of cost reduction through more efficient operations, entering new markets with innovative products and services, as well as increased trust & transparency enhancing your brand image.

Testimonial: Spadel
Patrick Jobé talks about Spadel's BACA membership and its SBT trajectory

5 years after the Paris Agreement, where are we on corporate climate ambition & impact?
As we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, let’s reflect on the ambitions, action and impact over the past years.

Testimonial: VELUX
Sabine Pauquay talks about VELUX' BACA membership and its SBT trajectory

Testimonial: Lidl
Philippe Weiler talks about Lidl's BACA membership and its SBT trajectory

Press release NL
Lancering van de Belgian Alliance for Climate Action: een Belgische alliantie met ambitieuze klimaatdoelstellingen

Press release FR
Lancement de la Belgian Alliance for Climate Action : Une Alliance belge pour des objectifs climatiques ambitieux